Does the legalisation of euthanasia affect palliative care?

A new report by the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) may challenge the notion that the legalisation of euthanasia negatively affects the growth of palliative care services.

The study, which was originally requested by the Commission on Assisted Dying, compared palliative care indicators in countries with legalised euthanasia (Belgium, The Netherlands,  Switzerland and Luxembourg) and some without (Spain, Germany and France). This was supplemented by a review of the scientific literature on the subject.

The report concluded that there were well-developed palliative care services in countries with legalised euthanasia and that there was no detectable influence of euthanasia legislation upon the development of palliative care.

These results run contrary to the opinion that palliative care services in a country suffer as a result of assisted dying becoming legal.

However, the authors recommended that any country considering legalising euthanasia should also ensure that there is an equitable, accessible and affordable palliative care framework in place.

Read the full report here.

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