Guidance for bridging the great divide between research and practice: Preventing injuries in sport

Building on from my theme in last week’s blog, I came across this interesting article this morning. Whilst injury prevention in sports is not my domain of research, nor may it be the research domain of many readers of the Injury Prevention blog, the principles and practices contained within can guide researchers trying to bridge the great divide in many fields of injury prevention. The final sentence in the first introductory paragraph in particular drew my attention: “However, wide-scale implementation of cost-effective intervention measures and treatment protocols under real-life conditions proves to be an ongoing challenge.”

The same can be said for many injury prevention domains, ranging from road safety to falls prevention, domestic and other interpersonal violence to burns safety.

I also liked the Authors’ discussion regarding top-down and bottom-up approaches to injury prevention, and rather than the typical mutually-exclusive application of each, a combined approach is needed.

Read more about the Knowledge Transfer Schemes, and the need for Multidisciplinary Knowledge Transfer Groups, at

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