FMCH is now indexed in PubMed Central and Medline!

FMCH Editorial Office

Family Medicine and Community Health (FMCH)  is now indexed in PubMed Central and Medline! All issues published from 2019/2020 could be searched in Pubmed/Medline now.

You can find FMCH in Medline here and in Pubmed here.

FMCH strives to be a leading international journal that promotes ‘Health Care for All’ through disseminating novel knowledge and best practices in primary care, family medicine, and community health. We will continue to improve our academic reputation and service quality, as well as build trust with global primary care researchers.

FMCH accepts submissions of a wide range of article types, including Editorials, Original research, Methodology, Focus on Asia Pacific, Review articles, Reflections, Case reports and Letters to the Editor from the lens of primary care, family medicine, and community health.

Conflict of Interest Statement: The author declares no conflicts of interest.



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