I am delighted to be writing my first posting for the EBN Blog and would like to thank Roberta for getting it set up. I am looking forward to the Twitter journal club starting in the New Year. Many of the commentaries we publish in EBN are about systematic reviews. The Research Made Simple paper […]
Category: Uncategorized
Always Learning New Things
A few days ago I travelled from my home in Ontario, Canada to Quebec City. I am immersing myself in French for a week. I know that a week certainly isn’t enough time to learn a language! However, I stopped practicing and taking courses a while ago and hope that this week will put me […]
Nursing Intuition. Is It Evidence?
Have you ever worked with a nurse who could spot trouble before it happened? I remember a colleague telling me “I don’t like the look of that patient”, which surprised me because the patient’s blood work and vital signs were normal. Yet, in only a short period of time the patient went into cardiac […]
Implementation of Evidence in Practice…what helps, what doesn’t
I’ve been interested in Evidence Based Practice (EBP) for quite some time. It’s well known that implementation of evidence in practice results in better patient health outcomes, yet practice doesn’t always have an evidence focus. I completed a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree earlier this year. I researched nurse practitioner beliefs about, and implementation of […]
Another ‘ah ha’ moment…
Stories are a great way to bring the importance of evidence to life. I remember a bit of a ‘ah ha’ moment in my nursing career. It’s a bit different than last week’s story and points to a lack of evidence but has some similarities. I worked for many years as a renal nurse on […]
Evidence and the “Ah Ha” Moment
Implementation of evidence in practice…sounds easy, but it isn’t always straightforward. There is a lot of evidence and a whole clinical guideline industry for high profile issues ranging from falls prevention and constipation to diabetes and cardiac care. However numerous healthcare issues arise daily that don’t have a corresponding care pathways or treatment algorithms. In […]
Welcome to the Evidence Based Nursing Blog!
Welcome to our blog. Why is EBN entering the world of blogging, you may ask? Let me explain. I don’t think any nurse would argue that the implementation of evidence in practice is the gold standard. It’s hard to believe there was a time when evidence was not the benchmark for nursing practice. However, evidence […]