Patient Public Involvement in Research


Dr Joanna Smith, Associate Professor Child Nursing, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds,

Dr Alison Rodriguez, Lecturer Child and Family Health, Health School of Healthcare, University of Leeds,

Join our EBN Twitter Chat on Wednesday the 4thof July 2018, 8-9pm UK time, which will focus the challenges & rewards of Patient Public Involvement in research.

Participating in the chat requires a Twitter account; if you do not have one you can create an account at Once you have an account contributing is straightforward, you can follow the discussion by searching links to #ebnjc(the EBN chat hash tag) and contribute by sending a tweet (tweets are short text messages), you need to add #ebnjcto your tweet as this allows everyone taking part to view them.

Patent Public Involvement (PPI) is embedded in UK government policy (Health & Social Care Act, 2012), and a requirement of health and social care organisations, and in the development and conduct of research for the main health research funding bodies. Furthermore, there is increased importance of high quality PPI within the UK Research Excellence Framework (REF) (, where Universities are assessed on the quality of their research and its impact.

In the mid 1900’s the UK launched a national advisory group as part of the National Institute for Health Research, INVOLVE to actively support public involvement in health and social care research. Fundamentally PPI in research is both ethically and morally desirable because PPI activities: improve the relevance and quality of clinical research by shaping research projects to reflect patient priorities and outcomes;values patients and ensures meaningful participatory relationships; and enhances the beneficence and non-maleficence of studies.

During the Twitter Chat we will focus on the following questions:

Health & Social Care Act (2012),available at:

Useful Links


National Institute for Health Research (2015) Patient and Public Involvement.

INVOLVE (2015) What Is Public Involvement in Research?

INVOLVE (2014) Briefing notes for researchers: public involvement in NHS, public health and social care research.

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