Festive Greetings

Jo Smith, Associate Editor EBN


Well it is Christmas day & all at Evidence Based Nursing (EBN) wish you a happy festive period. Many nurses will be providing essential care & support to people with health issues over the festive period, but hope that many you are all having a well-deserved break.

This year, as in previous years, the challenges facing nursing & healthcare have often dominated the news, often focusing on the pressures of delivering care within global financial challenges, & reports of more nurses leaving than joining the profession. Less newsworthy, is the many thousands of nurses, across the globe, who make a difference to their patients’ lives every day. Our weekly blog is a testament to the passion & diverse interests of nurses across the globe, with our guest bloggers raising a range of issues relevant to contemporary nursing practice, often responding quickly to current policy & health directives.

Below are some of the highlights at ENB in 2017:

Our Twitter Chat continues to provide a forum to debate nursing issues; successes have included a chat last January that focused on child & family-centre care, which generated over 2.2 million impressions & over 120 participants. The blog can be found at https://blogs.bmj.com/ebn/ & a summary of the can be access via the Storify at https://storify.com/josmith175/loosing-the-child-s-voice-and-the-captive-mother-a

We are looking forward to restarting our Twitter Chats in January 2018, beginning with

  • Safeguarding patients on the 3rd January 2018, 8-9pm UK time
  • Learning technologies in nurse education on the 17th January 2018, 8-9pm UK time

Our EBN Opinion series is going from strength to strength, which summarises out Twitter chats, and can be found at http://ebn.bmj.com/pages/collections/ebn_opinion/. For example the article on Fields of nursing: do we need them, what should they be and when should nurses choose theirs? was timely as the nature of preregistration nurse education within the UK currently being debated, http://ebn.bmj.com/content/20/2/35

Our latest article focuses on case study as a research methodology, http://ebn.bmj.com/content/early/2017/11/16/eb-2017-102845.

Thanks to everyone who took part in out survey, which will be used to plan our next topics.

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