EBN Spotlighting the Editorial Team

This week at Evidenced Based Nursing we are spotlighting on the editorial team, watch out for our series of blogs and join in the Twitter chat:

Alison Twycross will emphasis the need to improve the use of evidence in practice when managing pain in children;

  • Roberta Heale will focus on the importance of undertaking research about patient care;
  • Helen Noble will highlight health care management of advanced, irreversible chronic kidney and the impartance of reaserch teams;
  • Jo Smith will discuss the challenges and rewards of combing teaching and learning, research and scholarly activity;
  • Allison Shorten shares her expertise in evidence based midwifery and women’s health. 

The Twitter Chat on Wednesday 20th April between 8-9 pm (GMT) hosted by Professor Alison Twycross (@alitwy) who is editor of EBN and Dr Joanna Smith (@josmith175) one of the journal’s associate editors will focus on the following question (read the blog for further details):

What promotes and what stops nurse academics undertaking research & scholarly activity?

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