Top ten most read in September mRNA vaccine risks, Career intentions, AI, BMI, Birth experiences and Pregnancy complications

September brought six new entries to our top ten list on topics varying from artificial intelligence to medical students career intentions.

Syringe and Vaccine” by NIAID is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Risk of myocarditis and/or pericarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination                    

Alami et al conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis looking at epidemiological studies of individuals who received a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, reported a risk of myo/pericarditis and compared the risk of myo/pericarditis to individuals who did not receive a mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. A higher risk was found in individuals who were vaccinated however the absolute numbers of myo/pericarditis cases remains low. The authors note given the effectiveness of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine research should focus on understanding the biological mechanisms behind these rare cardiac events and identifying those most at risk.

Career intentions of UK medical students

Ferreira and their colleagues performed a mixed method study of UK medical students across all UK medical schools to ascertain students career intensions and reasons. The authors found while a majority of students (83.98%) planned to complete their foundation programme, less than 50% of students intended to pursue specialty training. A large portion of students expressed plans to pursue other careers or emigrate.

Conducting Systematic reviews using AI

In this communication article van Dijk et al discuss how artificial intelligence tools can be used when conducting Systematic reviews. They suggest that AI tool use can be helpful in title/abstract screening however they point out potential risks to methodological quality and possible ways to avoid these issues.

Trends in BMI and obesity

Li et al examined trends in obesity US adults between 2003 and 2018 using the NHANES database. The authors found while adult obesity continues to rise there have been no significant changes in the annual growth of adult obesity prevalence between 2003–2004 and 2017–2018. The prevalence was higher amongst older adults, women, non-Hispanic blacks, and those who did not graduate college, were physically inactive, reported lower daily total energy intake and had poor economic status.

Different decisions for their next birth experience

Keedle and their colleagues conducted a large survey on Australian women’s birth experiences between 2016 and 2021. The authors found 85% of the comments related to making different choices regarding their next birth experience. The survey was available in seven languages however the uptake was higher amongst English speakers, women over 30 and those university educated.

Adverse childhood experiences and pregnancy complications

This Systematic review and Meta-analysis by Mamun et al examined the association between adverse childhood experience (ACE) and risk of pregnancy complications/adverse pregnancy outcomes. Their results suggest ACE exposure is significantly associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. However there was a significant difficulties assessing dose-response relationships and a higher proportion of the studies were from high income western countries.

Below are the top ten most-read papers in BMJ Open during September 2023:

*Most read figures are based on pdf downloads and full text views. Abstract views are excluded.Like what you see? Follow this link for our most recent content.
Rank* Author(s) Title
1 Pigott et al. What are the treatment remission, response and extent of improvement rates after up to four trials of antidepressant therapies in real-world depressed patients? A reanalysis of the STAR*D studys patient-level data with fidelity to the original research proH Edmund
2 Alami et al. Risk of myocarditis and pericarditis in mRNA COVID-19-vaccinated and unvaccinated populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis
3 Ferreira et al. Career intentions of medical students in the UK: a national, cross-sectional study (AIMS study)
4 Wang et al. Global, regional and national burden of inflammatory bowel disease in 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2019: a systematic analysis based on the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
5 van Dijk et al. Artificial intelligence in systematic reviews: promising when appropriately used
6 Li et al. Trends in body mass index, overweight and obesity among adults in the USA, the NHANES from 2003 to 2018: a repeat cross-sectional survey
7 Keedle et al. What women want if they were to have another baby: the Australian Birth Experience Study (BESt) cross-sectional national survey
8 Mamun et al. Adverse childhood experiences, the risk of pregnancy complications and adverse pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
9 Walker et al. Impact of fatigue as the primary determinant of functional limitations among patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome: a cross-sectional observational study
10 Hall et al. Associations between autistic traits and early ear and upper respiratory signs: a prospective observational study of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) geographically defined childhood population

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