Top 10 most read in December: joint hypermobility and depression, probiotics for halitosis, and video streaming emergency calls

Image by Alicia Harper from Pixabay

The number one spot in our top 10 monthly most-read chart has been taken over by Poulsen et al.‘s protocol to investigate if the maternal body mass index influences the human milk composition, infant metabolism and gut microbiome; it was last month’s second most-read article. We have three new entries into the top 10 most-read in December.

Joint hypermobility linked to depression and anxiety
Eccles et al. carried out a cohort-based case-control study to test whether variant connective tissue structure, indicated by joint hypermobility, poses a risk of developing mood disorders in adolescence. Data from the The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children was used to examine the relationship between generalised joint hypermobility at 14 years old with psychiatric symptoms at 18 years old. This study found that variant collagen is linked to the emergence of depression and anxiety in adolescence.

Probiotics to manage halitosis
Halitosis, the third most common disease patients are referred to the dentist for, is caused by volatile sulphur compounds produced by oral bacteria. Currently, it is managed through mechanical cleaning or chemical therapies. Probiotics have been known to have beneficial effects on the local microenvironment through the prevention of adhesion of pathogens and inhibition of growth of pathogen. Huang et al. have conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the effect of probiotics in the management of halitosis, and they found that probiotics may ease halitosis, but did not find a significant effect.

Video streaming medical emergency calls
This was a qualitative study, conducted by Idland et al., exploring medical dispatchers’ experience using video streaming medical emergency calls. Medical dispatchers from two emergency medical communications centres in Norway were interviewed about their experiences with video streaming as an additional tool in medical emergency calls, focusing on three themes: (1) change in dispatcher’s perception of the patient and the situation, (2) reassurance for the dispatcher and (3) worries about increased time consumption and the possibility of unpleasant images. The use of video streaming was noted to potentially contribute to a better comprehension of the situation and more precise resource allocation, as well as greater reassurance for the dispatcher and improved relationship between the dispatcher and the caller.

Rank* Author(s) Title
1 Poulsen et al. Influence of maternal body mass index on human milk composition and associations to infant metabolism and gut colonisation: MAINHEALTH – a study protocol for an observational birth cohort
2 Eccles et al. Variant connective tissue (joint hypermobility) and its relevance to depression and anxiety in adolescents: a cohort-based case-control study
3 Huang et al. Efficacy of probiotics in the management of halitosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
4 Hundie et al. Ethiopian women’s sexual experiences and coping strategies for sexual problems after gynaecological cancer treatment: a qualitative study
5 Sun et al. Association of sleep behaviour and pattern with the risk of glaucoma: a prospective cohort study in the UK Biobank
6 van der Meulen et al. Association between use of systemic and inhaled glucocorticoids and changes in brain volume and white matter microstructure: a cross-sectional study using data from the UK Biobank
7 Kiely et al. Effect of social prescribing link workers on health outcomes and costs for adults in primary care and community settings: a systematic review
8 Osanlou et al. Adverse drug reactions, multimorbidity and polypharmacy: a prospective analysis of 1 month of medical admissions
9 Bergeron-Boucher et al. Probability of males to outlive females: an international comparison from 1751 to 2020
10 Idland et al. From hearing to seeing: medical dispatchers experience with use of video streaming in medical emergency calls – a qualitative study

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